Send a Free Wonderful Horse Postcard
sponsored by:
Wonderful Sport Horses 

Please follow the easy 1-2-3-4 instruction to make a personalized postcard
and send as many postcards as you like!

Step 1. Pick a horse picture:

Wonderful - state stud Welt Klasse Welt Klasse Oil Painting Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful Wonderful - state stud The great Weltmeyer CDS Champion - Welt Klasse
Or, you can pick any picture that exists on the internet by typing in a valid URL; for example:
If you don't see the picture in the card preview, your card recipient won't see it either.
We recommend the picture be < 30K bytes.

Enter URL address to the picture:

Step 2. Select a text color (default is black)

teal purple maroon lime gold dodgerblue
cyan green deepskyblue aqua olive gray
black brown violet khaki turquoise blueviolet
yellowgreen tan silver red blue navy
white fuchsia yellow midnightblue forestgreen orange

Step 3. Pick a background and/or a background color (default is white):

Granite Flat world Linen White horse in snow pattern pattern
pattern marble pattern pattern pattern pattern
pattern pattern pattern pattern pattern pattern pattern
teal purple maroon lime gold dodgerblue
cyan green deepskyblue aqua olive gray
black brown violet khaki turquoise blueviolet
yellowgreen tan silver red blue navy
white fuchsia yellow midnightblue forestgreen orange

Step 4. Compose your message

All fields are mandatory except Greeting messages.
Please, make sure that you enter the correct email addresses.
Your name:
Your email address
Recipient's name
Recipient's E-mail address  Separate with a space if more than one recipient
Greeting message
Your message

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